Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Amandla EduFootball

Hey Everyone! 

This is just a link to the organization that I am interning with for the semester. If you are interested, this site explains the history and mission of the organization, as well as anything else you might want to know about what we do here in Cape Town. I am currently interning 3 days per week, as well as any special events that are scheduled. We just had our season opener this past Saturday. The program was able to rent out the professional soccer stadium in Athlon, Cape Town. It turned out to be a great event with hundreds of kids from varying township teams coming out to learn about the leagues, practice their fair play rules, and play some soccer of course! Although it was a long, tiring day, I had a wonderful time getting to finally see the interactions our staff has with the children and how amazing this program really and truly is. You will hear more from me as the semester continues, but if you would like to not only see what I am getting involved in, but would also like to be informed about a tremendous program that is doing phenomenal things for the children of South Africa, please take a look! The link is given below:



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