Monday, January 31, 2011

Just some more pictures to keep you interested...

On the walk down to Cape of Good Hope

Some of the girls on top of Cape Point, next to the Light House

Touching the water at the tip of Africa...

Picture at the beach with the fog rolling over the mountains in the background


  1. Leigh -
    Wow, we are so jealous. You look like you are having a great time. Ciarra thinks you are totally COOL! She loves the photo of the penquins. They are really cute!

    We look forward to reading your blog to get away from this SNOW!

    Be safe!
    Ciarra, Isabella and Concetta Collins
    (Hamden, CT)

  2. Thank you so much for commenting! It's so nice to see that people like you are taking interest in what I am out doing. I will do my best to keep you all updated on my experience. Tell the girls I said hello and I hope they are doing well with soccer and everything! Good luck with all of the snow, I'm happy to hear I escaped while I could!


  3. Hi Leigh, Really, really enjoying your's an amazing world out there isn't it! Sounds like you're really taking it all in! Getting a kick out of some of your stories especially about food and marriage (we'll have to discuss that more when you get back). Stay well and keep blogging!! Love, The Lena's

  4. Hey Leigh,
    This is so awesome. Been talking to your mom and she gave me the link to follow what you're doing. Just spent some time getting caught up on what you have been doing so far. Sounds so exciting. The weather sounds like the best part to me right now. Make sure to bring some of that home.
    Have a great time and thanks for sharing your experiences.
    Andrea Foley
