Saturday, February 5, 2011

More of Moore, Please?

So if I told you that I had found a class that was not only interesting in content, but actually enjoyable enough that I looked forward to going each week, would you believe me? Not a chance. While I have great interest in many of the classes that I have taken at Trinity, I wouldn’t exactly say that I get up each day excited to learn (sorry Mom, Dad, any teachers out there reading this). Classes have just become a routine part of what I do everyday, simple as that. However, I have finally found a class that has broken this mold and has all of the non-Trinity students in my program turning green with jealousy. This past Wednesday evening, we were introduced to Dr. Sibs Moore, our new professor. Sibs is a woman who lived in South Africa during the apartheid, had to move out to America where she taught at Trinity, and now lives back in South Africa where she teaches at the University of Stellenbosch. At our first meeting she explained to us what our class was going to consist of. We were going to meet every week in our apartments and discuss our weekly readings for 45 minutes. I know what most of you are thinking…this sounds pretty much like any class back in the states, what’s the big deal? Keep reading. Following our discussion, Sibs will be taking us to a different 4-5 star restaurant of our choice every week. At the restaurant we will be treated to free food and free drinks of our choosing. Not too bad, huh?
On Wednesday night we had our first outing as a class. Sibs brought us to a nearby place called Hussar’s Grill, which was listed in our tour guide as one of Cape Town’s finest eateries. Knowing the meal was free, I decided to venture out of my comfort zone and get a meal that I was not sure whether or not I would like. I ended up getting an ostrich fillet with wild berry sauce and roasted baby potatoes. Because I have not had meat other than chicken or turkey in so long, I was pretty anxious to see what my reaction would be. I loved it. It was easily the best meal that I have had in Africa and even got me to try a bit of my friend’s steak and another’s lamb (neither of which I would ever do in the states). Now I am not anticipating becoming a full-blown carnivore, but I will admit that I might be making some minor adjustments to my diet. So after an extremely expensive and delicious meal, I realized how great this class was going to be to have every week. What college kid doesn’t jump as having free food, let alone wonderful food, any chance they get.
            Now I titled this post “More of Moore, Please” because that is exactly what I have been asking for, ever since we left Hussar’s Grill. Apparently there is a God out there somewhere because my wish was granted today when Sibs texted us inviting the group to her villa in Stellenbosch for “a leisurely swim and afternoon lunch.” She arranged for her driver, Al, to pick us up tomorrow at 10:00 so that we did not have to pay for transportation. Once again the rest of the students in our program are steaming with jealousy, as we had to nix our beach plans in exchange for this little arrangement with our professor. Like I said, I never thought that I would want more of a teacher or of a class, but right about now that seems to be all I can hope for. 


  1. Ok, so are you saying that "jealousy is rearing its ugly head" among those who have not been invited to these fabulous dinners?

  2. Struggle as you may Leigh, I hope you stick with it.

  3. Yeah Dad, it hasn't been too much of a struggle so far..I think I'll stay here for a while
