Wednesday, February 9, 2011

On the cannon at the first stop of our hike

See those rocks? Yeah we climbed, not walked, up them

Just hanging out..

One of the ledges that we had to shimmy across

Looks like I'm just on a rock but it's a straight drop off the other side

At the very top of the mountain

Meadow on the way back down


  1. We're still reading over here Leigh! Sounds like an incredibly amazing experience!!! Mostly, your class, being taught by someone who has experienced the Apartheid first hand, will be something you will never forget! Enjoy, be safe and take it all in!
    The Lena's

  2. Thanks Mrs. Lena!! Glad to hear you all are keeping tabs on me! Hope you enjoy the stories and that the family is doing well!!

  3. Leigh! The shark photos are a little scary!!!! I'm not sure I could have done it! Please take a picture of you with your earrings!!
